Portland State University’s NSSLHA chapter has transformed tremendously over the past several years, with a focus on implementing innovative changes to increase student participation and fundraising efforts. Prior to taking over the role of chapter…
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Demystifying Chapter Honors
We understand earning Chapter Honors can seem daunting, especially when it comes to filling out the application. There are some misconceptions out there that may make it seem like it’s a super difficult process—but it’s…
Putting the Fun in Chapter Fundraising
As NSSLHA’s Vice President for Finance, I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to engage with so many inspirational NSSLHA chapters and members. You all impress and inspire me every day. I’ve talked to several of you regarding…
Engage and Support Your Chapter Members
As a NSSLHA chapter, your most important resources are your members. But how do you get the students in your CSD program to join? And how do you keep them coming back semester-after-semester?? Not only…