No surprise here … navigating the clinical fellowship (CF) and externship processes, getting into grad school, understanding ASHA’s 2020 Certification standard changes, and hearing about resume-building experiences were all the topics you were most interested…
Browsing Category National NSSLHA
Igniting Passion: Building the High School to CSD Pipeline
Throughout my educational policy classes, I learned how important it is for students to have mentors and teachers who share the same ethnicities and genders as them. Having role models who look like them, increases…
Let Your Voice Be Heard!
With Student Advocacy Day coming up on October 10, you have a chance to join forces with other CSD students and NSSLHA chapters across the country to make your collective voice be heard on federal…
The University of Cincinnati—Engaging Members and Supporting Their Local Community
Whether we’re stalking your chapter on Insta or reading your chapter updates on the NSSLHA Community, we’re in awe of everything NSSLHA chapters do to support its members and local communities. As part of the…