Unlike Clinical Fellowships, externships are clinical practicum opportunities for both audiology and speech-language pathology students as part of their degree programs. For audiology students, externships should occur during their clinical doctorate program. Confused about completing…
Posts tagged Graduate Students
Taking the Stress Out of Grad School
Right now, you’re probably stressing out about all the assignments you have due, or the fact that your grade isn’t an A. You’ve probably cried in the past week because you just feel—overloaded. Grad school…
Experiencing Interprofessional Collaboration as a Student
Throughout our coursework, we hear about how important interprofessional collaboration is to ensure the best results for our future clients. The best client outcomes can only be achieved when we, as professionals, collaborate with those…
On My Own?! Taking the Leap from Grad Student to Clinical Fellow
You did it! You graduated with your master’s degree. You’ve conquered coursework, clinical experiences, and the Praxis. Now, it’s time to tackle your clinical fellowship. Finding Your CF After graduating last May from the University…