I first got involved in research during my undergraduate program at the University of Colorado Boulder’s Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences department. I worked closely with Dr. Christine Brennan, PhD, CCC-SLP, in the Brain and…
Posts tagged Research
5 Tips for Presenting Your First Research Poster
As a freshman in college, I began volunteering as a research assistant at a child language research lab with monolingual and bilingual children. I used the opportunity to learn about the speech-language pathology profession from a linguistic and research point of view—from…
My Pursuit of a CSD Academic-Research Career
When I began my PhD, I was unfamiliar with academic research and had no research experience whatsoever. My previous education was in international studies and education. As a classroom teacher, I’d often questioned the differences…
From “Imposter” to Insider: How I Found My Niche in Research Audiology
Science magazine defines imposter syndrome as “the feeling that one doesn’t belong or deserve their success, and that they will be discovered as a fraud.” When I first began my audiology career and discovered my…