Introduction The SPARC Award (Students Preparing for Academic-Research Careers) provides aspiring researchers and educators in the field of communication sciences and disorders with invaluable opportunities to gain hands-on experience. From teaching and mentorship to conducting…
Posts tagged Graduate Students
Top Takeaways from Office Hours: Clinical Fellowships and Externships
Our recent Clinical Fellowship (CF) & Externship panel provided a wealth of knowledge and practical tips for students preparing to enter the clinical field. From researching opportunities to acing your resume and interview, here are…
Stuttering Advocacy 101 for Future SLPs
Stuttering is a highly stigmatized speech difference that many speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are uncomfortable working with—some are even uncomfortable using the word stuttering.As a person who stutters, I see this as a major knowledge gap…
Top Takeaways from Ask Me Anything: An Audiology Student’s Guide to Clinical Experiences
On September 24, National NSSLHA held a virtual event for audiology students in conjunction with the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) and Student Academy of Doctors of Audiology (SADA). The event brought together audiology students…