We understand earning Chapter Honors can seem daunting, especially when it comes to filling out the application. There are some misconceptions out there that may make it seem like it’s a super difficult process—but it’s not. In fact, it’s pretty easy!
Don’t believe me? Let me prove it to you by debunking these misconceptions and sharing some tips and tricks …
Myths About Chapter Honors
“You can only receive Chapter Honors once and can’t apply again.”
Definitely not! The purpose of Chapter Honors is to recognize your chapter’s hard work, effort, and dedication every academic year!
“You don’t get anything out of Chapter Honors.”

Whoa, not true! By receiving Chapter Honors, you elevate your chapter and your CSD program to the national level—talk about bragging rights!
Your chapter (and by default, your CSD program) will be promoted through National NSSLHA’s website, e-newsletter, and Blog. You’ll also receive a digital “badge” to display on your own chapter/program’s website and social media accounts; not to mention a tailored press release just for your chapter to use to promote your successes—this means press coverage for your program!
You know who else sees these accomplishments? Graduate and PhD admissions offices, first-time employers, and ASHA. Mind = blown!
Myths About Meeting the Requirements
“My chapter didn’t affiliate at the beginning of the year, so we can’t apply.”
No way! You can affiliate your chapter up until the moment you submit your Chapter Honors application. Not sure if you’re affiliated for the academic year already? Check the website!
“My chapter hasn’t been posting every month on the Community, so it’s too late.”
It’s never too late to post on the NSSLHA Community! Simply back-date your posts so you generate a URL for each month. For example, right now, you can post an “October” update, talking about all of the things your chapter did in the month of October. Then, another post for November, and so on.

“We need a large and highly involved chapter to qualify.”
Not true! Chapters come in all shapes and sizes. Whether your chapter has 20 or 200 members, there’s room for all chapters to earn Honors! As long as you meet the requirements, you’ll receive Chapter Honors.
“We’ll only receive Chapter Honors based on how impressive our activities are.”
Nope—your chapter’s application is not judged on a point system, nor is it compared to other chapters. Gold, Silver, or Bronze Chapter Honors are given to all chapters that meet the requirements.

The only competitive aspect of Chapter Honors is the Chapter of the Year award, where one outstanding Gold Chapter Honors recipient is selected by NSSLHA’s Executive Council.

“Everyone in our chapter has to be a National NSSLHA member.”
Nope again! At a minimum, only 10% of your chapter membership needs to hold National NSSLHA membership—that’s for Bronze Chapter Honors. For Silver Honors, it’s 20%; and for Gold, it’s 30%.
For example, if your chapter has 100 members, only 10 of them need to hold National NSSLHA membership to be eligible for Bronze Honors! If your chapter has 20 members, only 2 need to hold national membership—and if your chapter’s affiliated, your president and vice president already hold national membership … which means you’ve met this requirement!
“You have to keep track of exactly how many of your chapter members are also National NSSLHA members.”
We wouldn’t put this completely on your shoulders! Just reach out to the National Office at nsslha@asha.org for a list of national members we have on file from your chapter. Then, simply share it with your chapter members to double check that it’s accurate. If someone’s missing, let the National Office know and they’ll work with you to figure out what’s wrong.
“It costs too much money.”
In the past, there were several monetary donation requirements for Chapter Honors; but that’s changed! Now, we only require one donation to the ASHFoundation’s NSSLHA Scholarship. The minimum amount required is $50 for Bronze Honors … then, $100 for Silver and $200 for Gold).
Why is this donation important? The money chapters donate to the ASHFoundation’s NSSLHA Scholarship gets fed right back to you—the student! The more money that’s donated to this scholarship, the more money we’re able to give to grad students studying CSD. So, don’t think of it as your chapter losing money. Think of it as providing an opportunity for you or your peers to further their education!

Good Luck!
I hope debunking these myths and sharing some tips helps you through your Chapter Honors experience. Each of you are doing incredible things in your local communities—now, we just want to celebrate all of your hard work! But we can’t unless you tell us.
So, start that Chapter Honors application today!
Remember: Applications are due March 31!