Top 5 Takeaways from Office Hours: SLP Grad School Student Panel

On September 18, National NSSLHA held a virtual event for prospective speech-language pathology students. The event brought together current grad students to discuss topics relevant to the graduate school experience. Watch the entire event below:

Choosing a Program and Transitioning to Grad School: Panelists emphasized the importance of thoroughly researching programs to find the right fit, considering faculty, curriculum, and clinical opportunities. Many shared experiences of a seamless transition from undergraduate to graduate studies, highlighting the value of foundational knowledge.

Work-Life Balance: A significant focus was placed on maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Panelists shared strategies for self-care, such as setting aside personal time and engaging in enjoyable activities. They stressed that a well-balanced lifestyle is essential for sustaining energy and motivation throughout graduate school.

Clinical Placements and Skills Development: The discussion highlighted the critical role of clinical placements in applying theoretical knowledge. Panelists shared experiences in developing both technical and soft skills—like communication and teamwork—necessary for success in the field.

Self-Advocacy: The importance of advocating for oneself in academic and clinical settings was emphasized. Panelists encouraged students to seek support and utilize available resources to navigate challenges effectively.

Final Insights: Panelists concluded with motivating advice, such as staying curious, fostering relationships, and remembering personal achievements. They encouraged students to view their graduate journey as a rewarding experience, despite its challenges.

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