Top Takeaways from Ask Me Anything: An Audiology Student’s Guide to Clinical Experiences

On September 24, National NSSLHA held a virtual event for audiology students in conjunction with the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) and Student Academy of Doctors of Audiology (SADA). The event brought together audiology students to discuss topics relevant to clinical experiences. Watch the entire event below:

1. Preparing for Clinical Placements

  • Understand Compensation Options: Inquire about payment during the application process and explore alternative compensation like stipends or funding for conferences.
  • Craft a Strong Resume: Tailor your resume to highlight relevant experiences succinctly and seek feedback from professionals to ensure clarity and impact.

2. Navigating Preceptor/Student Relationships

  • Embrace the Learning Curve: Acknowledge the transition from academic settings to clinical practice can be challenging. Be patient with yourself and seek support when needed.
  • Showcase Your Value: Recognize that you bring skills and expertise to your placement. Don’t be shy about discussing your contributions and the value you add to the clinic.

3. How to Find and Apply for Non-Traditional Clinical Experiences

  • Explore Diverse Opportunities: Pursue experiences that align with your specific interests in audiology, and don’t hesitate to ask for different placements to gain valuable skills.
  • Network Actively: Build connections with professors, peers, and professionals in the field. Utilize digital tools like LinkedIn and digital business cards to facilitate networking.

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