Becoming a Comprehensive Clinician

Board Certified Specialist in Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. “I like the sound of that,” I thought. Having learned about specialization in the area of dysphagia management from a guest speaker in our dysphagia class, I realized as a first-year speech-language pathology graduate student this was going to be my career trajectory. I didn’t always know about the field of speech-language pathology. It wasn’t until college…

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What Can National NSSLHA Leadership Do for You?

I first encountered the field of CSD when I was 23 years old. At the time, I’d earned a bachelor’s degree in voice performance and was in the market for a new career—ideally, in a helping profession. My mom, in her infinite wisdom, suggested that I consider speech-language pathology. I immediately ran with the idea—I applied and was accepted to a post-baccalaureate program to bridge…

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Celebrating Our Historically Black Colleges and Universities

For nearly 200 years, Historically Black Colleges and Universities—affectionally known as “HBCUs”—have led the way to ensure Black students are able to receive a quality college education. This was initiated at a time when Black people were prohibited from attending many colleges and universities in the United States. With a mission to provide equitable learning opportunities for Black students, HBCUs continue to be a primary…

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Don’t Miss Your Shot: Prepare an Elevator Pitch

“If you had one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment, would you capture it or just let it slip?” – Eminem These words couldn’t be more representative of the importance of an elevator pitch. You never know when you’ll unexpectedly find yourself in the presence of someone who holds an amazing—perhaps once-in-a-lifetime—opportunity for you. This may be your ‘one…

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