Take Action to Increase Diversity in CSD

Let’s start with some numbers! Did you know, according to the U.S. Census Bureau: 27.6% of Americans are members of a racial or ethnic minority group. 20% of Americans are bilingual (this number is growing drastically). In contrast, according to ASHA’s 2020 Member & Affiliate Profile: 8.5% of ASHA members and affiliates identify as members of a racial minority. 8% of ASHA members and affiliates…

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Tips for Crushing Your Grad School Applications

It may seem like there are a million things to do when applying to grad school . . . making sure you’ve gained enough experiences, developing a professional resume, choosing programs that are the best fit for you, interview prepping, and even adjusting to the idea of possibly moving to a new state! You may feel alone in this process, but I promise you’re not—thousands…

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Meet Carlos Pérez Valle: Pursuing Equity in CSD

As a CSD PhD student, Carlos Pérez Valle’s goal is to incorporate elements of social justice, improvement science, multilingualism, and cultural responsiveness into CSD research, which he hopes eventually translates into new legislative policy and/or current policy changes to help those often overlooked by the healthcare and education systems. Quick Facts About Carlos CSD PhD student at McGill University in Montréal, Canada 1st generation college…

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Navigating CSD as a First-Generation College Student

Although I was born in California, my family moved to Mexico when I was about a year old. Most of my childhood was spent in the beautiful rancho, Ayutita, in the outskirts of city of Autlan de Navarro Jalisco. It was filled with beautiful memories on my abuelitos’ farm—riding horses, milking cows, helping tend to the fields, growing and harvesting corn, cilantro, and tomatoes ….

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