Classes have started and clinical practicums are about to begin. Are you prepared to work with the kid that only wants to eat chicken nuggets? How about the older adult who’s having trouble eating solid foods? As you begin to explore your CSD career, you’ll learn there are many areas of audiology and speech-language pathology that we often need additional training and support prior to…
Advantages of Being a Non-Traditional Grad Student
I’m a non-traditional SLP grad student who gained my post-baccalaureate credits through an online program while working full time. Before starting grad school, I knew I wanted to become an SLP, but was unsure whether my non-traditional background would be a burden or a blessing. Around this time, I remember seeing a meme where everyone is in gray school uniforms, sitting up straight at their…
Trailblazing the Path for Online NSSLHA Chapters
Have you ever looked around and thought, “I have a few ideas to make this better?” As I sat isolated in my living room last year … staring at my computer screen … about to start my 2nd year as a distance education SLP grad student … that’s exactly what I thought. The two preceding years were hard and being an online student began to…
15 Tips for GRE Prep
Prepping for the GRE can feel overwhelming and stressful. But it doesn’t have to! We asked grad students from across the country for their best GRE prep tips. Here’s what they suggest … Study Tips Prepare a 3- or 6-month study plan. Don’t forget to build in time to practice taking the test under simulated testing conditions: Spend 4 quiet hours taking a practice test,…