Giving Back to Your Communities—Chapter Event Ideas

Last week, the NSSLHA chapter at California State University, Sacramento (CSUS), shared ways they donate to local at-risk populations—and strategies for how your chapter can execute similar donation drives. If your chapter is still brainstorming ways to get involved in your local community—or even abroad—check out what our other Gold and Silver Chapter Honors awardees accomplished last year! Pst … it might just inspire you…

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NSSLHA Chapters—Making a Difference in Our Communities

Community outreach is an integral part of the NSSLHA Chapter at California State University, Sacramento (CSUS). Our goal is to inspire, motivate, and teach our undergraduate and graduate students skills needed for community engagement. Practicing What We Preach Over the years, our chapter has planned multiple donation drives to provide materials for at-risk populations in our local community and abroad: Packets of Promise Last year,…

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We Came. We Learned. We Conquered.

As National NSSLHA’s VP for SLP Programming, I’ve helped plan student activities at the ASHA Convention for the past 2 years, and one of my greatest joys is creating a space where students can share their inspiration, passion, and excitement for our two professions. But we also know that not everyone can attend Convention, so my fellow Executive and Regional Councilors and I gathered some…

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So Much to Do. So Much to See. Convention Is the Place to Be!

Sessions, exhibit halls, and networking—oh my! The annual ASHA Convention can be an exciting, but overwhelming event for students. Last year was my first time attending, and it was a whirl-wind! Whether you’re attending as a first-timer or seasoned pro, or keeping tabs from home, here’s a list of must-dos to help all my fellow #slp2b and #aud2b friends to make the most of this…

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