Let Your Voice Be Heard!

With Student Advocacy Day coming up on October 10, you have a chance to join forces with other CSD students and NSSLHA chapters across the country to make your collective voice be heard on federal issues that’ll impact you now as a student and in the future as a professional! Nervous about contacting your members of Congress? Don’t be! Check out what these chapters did…

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What I Did Last Summer—SLP Edition

As the last school year ended, I knew I wanted to spend my summer break being productive. Due to my summer class schedule, I wasn’t going to be able to get a job, so I decided to jump headfirst into my future as an SLP. In April, I began contacting as many different hospitals and private practices as I could to see if I could…

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My 1st Research Project: Societies Perceptions of Persons with Fluency Disorders

As I went through my freshman year as a CSD student, I began to worry that when it was time to apply to grad school, good grades wouldn’t be enough. I wanted to distinguish myself from my peers and show that I was capable of doing great things! At the same time, I became really interested in people’s perceptions of individuals who stutter—specifically, the number…

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Presenting Research as a Freshman—Not as Crazy as It Sounds!

Being a freshman speech path major can be pretty intimidating—between trying to acclimate yourself to “college life” and hearing the upperclassmen talk about how hard it is to get into grad school, it’s overwhelming. You jump ahead in your mind and start to wonder if you’ll be accepted into grad school, not to mention doubting if you’ll even make it through undergrad! Feeling Lost Last…

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