I always knew I wanted to major in CSD and I got involved with my program here at the University of Alabama right from the beginning. I volunteered at a local speech center, joined NSSLHA, and excelled in my classes. But I always worried it wouldn’t be enough to get into grad school. I felt like I really needed to get involved in something else…
Transitioning from Undergrad to Grad School
As the spring semester comes to a close, you’ve probably decided which grad program you’ll attend in the fall and you’re probably wondering what you should do next. As a student who just finished her first year of grad school, I still remember what it’s like to make that transition! It can be stressful, scary, and down-right nerve-wracking! Here’s what I suggest to make the…
Let’s Get Outside Our Comfort Zones
What I have to share is going to be uncomfortable before it gets comfortable. However, it’s an important topic to discuss if we want to instill change. So here it goes… Naïve-Me As an Asian American, I’m part of the minority. I know that everyone (minority and non-minority) has faced or will face prejudicial and stereotypical views from people of different races, genders, ethnicities, or…
Holla! Meet This Year’s NSSLHA Chapter of the Year!
Each year, NSSLHA chapters participate in the NSSLHA Chapter Honors program—vying for gold, silver, and bronze status. And, each year, we’re awed by the incredible work being done. So [drumroll, please] … we’re excited to announce that Cleveland State University is the 2018 Chapter of the Year! We especially loved how many of their chapter’s tactics support National NSSLHA’s Strategic Plan: Deepened Member Understanding and…