On My Own?! Taking the Leap from Grad Student to Clinical Fellow

You did it! You graduated with your master’s degree. You’ve conquered coursework, clinical experiences, and the Praxis. Now, it’s time to tackle your clinical fellowship. Finding Your CF After graduating last May from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I moved home to Massachusetts and started my job search. I was ready to be selective in finding a job that truly met my expectations. Since I was…

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Clinical Fellowship Questions? We’ve Got Answers.

The Clinical Fellowship (CF) is the transition period between being a student enrolled in a CSD program and being an independent provider of SLP clinical services. It’s a mentored professional experience that meets specific requirements for gaining ASHA’s Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC). You probably have a lot of questions about completing your CF experience. We hope this helps answer some of the most common…

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Be an Advocate—It’s Easier Than You Think!

Think being an advocate is too complicated or time consuming? It’s not! At the end of the day, you’re simply supporting a cause, idea, or policy that already interests you. As future audiologists and speech-language pathologists, you’re going to spend a lot of time being an advocate—for your clients, for their care, and for the treatments you propose. But advocacy can extend beyond your clients….

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Conquering My Fears to Advocate on the Hill

Walking into Senator Feinstein’s office on Capitol Hill was one of the most heart-palpitating moments of my academic career. My only experience with advocating was through NSSLHA’s annual Virtual Advocacy Day. Never had I advocated in person before—let alone at the federal level! But last fall, I traveled to Washington, D.C. with a group of six other students from my school, California State University, Fullerton….

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