In theory, ethical dilemmas are easy to solve: “Well, of course I’d say no to that” or “I would have done it this way—no question!” But when you’re faced with a real-life ethical issue … sometimes the choice isn’t very easy to make. To help you practice solving these dilemmas, ASHA holds an annual Student Ethics Essay competition. The competition pushes you to think about…
Nourish to Flourish: Finding My True Calling During a Gap Year
During my undergraduate CSD program in 2012, I travelled to Europe for the first time on a study abroad trip to Italy. It wasn’t all pasta, wine, and frolicking around the Italian hillsides–if only! The trip was part of the European Union’s Erasmus Mundus Program, which allows students around the globe to study in Italy. Finding My Path–Teaching Italian Students How to “Speak American” In…
The University of Cincinnati—Engaging Members and Supporting Their Local Community
Whether we’re stalking your chapter on Insta or reading your chapter updates on the NSSLHA Community, we’re in awe of everything NSSLHA chapters do to support its members and local communities. As part of the 2017 Chapter Honors program, the University of Cincinnati NSSLHA Chapter really knocked it out of the park and not only received Gold Chapter Honors, but was also awarded 2017 Chapter…
Raising Our Voices Now to Advocate for Our Future Professions
In November 2017, Dr. Paul Rao, PhD, CCC-SLP, visited Howard University and held a seminar about shifting from a volume- to value-based health care system and the importance of advocating for our professions. Dr. Rao provided us with a quote from Michael Porter of Harvard University, “Value is measured by outputs, not inputs. Value in health care depends on actual patient outcomes, not the volume…