Shift Happens–Advocating for Value-Based Health Care

For years, health care in the U.S. has been volume-based. Meaning, providers are reimbursed for providing a service, regardless of the results—putting more emphasis on the process than the patient. Recently, health care has started shifting to a more value-based system that incorporates the outcomes of services provided as part of the reimbursement process. By shifting to a value-based health care model, practitioners can lower…

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This Year, I’ll …

Haaaa-pppyyy New Year! As 2018 begins (and as I realize my term as National NSSLHA’s president will soon end), I’m in serious evaluation mode. I’ve been thinking, what do I want to accomplish this year? Here are my top five must-dos: Go easy on myself (seriously!). We’ve chosen challenging programs, so I’m committing to set small goals for myself in school, clinic, and life. And…

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