Student-to-Student: Attending Convention as a Grad Student

As a graduate student in speech-language pathology at Auburn University, my decision to attend the 2023 ASHA Convention was driven by several key factors, especially as I was nearing my externship in acute care and exploring opportunities for clinical fellowships.

I had heard that the ASHA Convention would provide valuable insights and resources for my forthcoming role in acute care. To stay informed about the latest advancements in the field, I aimed to participate in a range of sessions. These sessions promised not only to delve into current literature but also to offer opportunities to learn from leading experts. I intended to leverage this knowledge to enhance my evidence-based practice during my hospital rotation.

The experience allowed me to do so much more than learn from sessions! Below are my top three recommendations for graduate students attending the ASHA Convention.

1. Explore Exhibit Booths Offering Hands-On Learning

For students interested in medical speech-language pathology, these booths are a must-visit, as they offer hands-on experience with specialized medical equipment and provide clinically applicable learning opportunities. Here are some booth recommendations for anyone looking to enhance their clinical skills:

  • Endoscopy Equipment: I attended booths that offered hands-on practice with endoscopy tools and procedures on live participants. You’ll get real-time feedback from experts to fine-tune your technique. Be sure to attend booths showcasing this equipment if you want a practical way to elevate your skills!
  • Speaking Valves Deep Dive: Check out booths showcasing speaking valves for tracheostomized and ventilator-dependent patients. Here, you’ll get to practice with model patients and soak up knowledge from educational tutorials from the experts. This practical experience complemented my coursework and textbook knowledge and boosted my confidence in patient care!
  • A “Taste” of Modified Barium Swallow Studies: Ever wondered about the patient experience in swallow studies? Some booths let you explore standardized viscosities used in Modified Barium Swallow Studies—they even let you sample different barium products, giving you a firsthand understanding of patient experiences, with some surprisingly tasty samples!
  • Innovations in AAC and Assistive Tech: Get hands-on experience with the latest advancements in assistive technology and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) equipment from various industry leaders. Experiences like these are crucial in the ever-evolving field of AAC, where staying competent and continuously refining skills is key to providing individuals with the resources and opportunities that they need to access their greatest potential. A highlight for me was using eye-gaze technology to create art, demonstrating these tools’ ability to enhance both communication and quality of life! As you explore these booths, you’ll find various options designed to cater to diverse communication needs and strategies—so you can advocate for accessible communication for all!

Whether your current clinical placements offer these experiences or not, I highly recommend dropping by any booths that spark your interest. It’s a fantastic way to practice and polish your clinical skills—all while gaining tips and tricks from the experts! The more experience you gain, the better equipped you’ll be for your career, no matter where you are in your journey. You’ll leave Convention with more knowledge than you came with—and greater confidence in your clinical skills. And who knows? You might even have some fun along the way!

2. Attend Special Interest Group (SIG) Open Houses and Networking Meetings

Are you ready to broaden your horizons and forge meaningful connections in our field? Then, you can’t miss the chance to attend one or more of the SIG Open Houses and Networking Meetings at ASHA! These SIG-sponsored events offer a wealth of educational sessions and networking opportunities.

These events cater to both professional growth and personal enjoyment. Attendees can look forward to complimentary benefits—everything from refreshments to invaluable resources and profound insights. Most important, these meetings are your golden ticket to meet and connect with leading professionals in the field. My personal experience was transformative—attending these meetings literally opened new doors for me, leading me to join three new SIGs!

An added advantage is that you don’t need to be a pre-existing member to attend many of these meetings. Just bring your enthusiasm, a thirst for knowledge, and an open mind. You never know—you might discover your perfect niche and find yourself joining a new SIG (or perhaps even three!) that aligns perfectly with your interests.

3. Check Out the ASHA Career Portal Lounge

If you’re on the hunt for your next career move, seeking clinical fellowship opportunities, or just curious about sparking new growth in your professional journey, the ASHA Career Portal Lounge is a can’t-miss experience!

Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Mini Career Workshops: Gain valuable insights and practical tips to advance your career.
  • Success Stories: Learn how innovative peers landed their dream jobs.
  • Resource Discovery: Explore the wealth of tools and resources available on the Career Portal.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals, and expand your career network.

Concluding Thoughts

Attending the ASHA Convention as a student was both meaningful and transformative for me. This year’s ASHA Convention will be held in Seattle, Washington, December 5–7. National NSSLHA members can take advantage of reduced registration fees as one of the benefits of National NSSLHA membership.

ASHA also accepts student volunteers (apply by September 9) to assist in various roles for 1 day during Convention. As a volunteer, you receive full registration fee reimbursement and can attend sessions on the days that you are not volunteering.

Regardless of how you participate, make the most of the experience by seizing every opportunity to connect with others, explore new technologies, and advance your growth as a future CSD professional!

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