Speaking the Language of Hope: International Work for SLPs

What a blessing it is to study a discipline that can have such an impact on other people’s quality of life. I knew about the wonderful opportunities in our American health care and educational systems but never truly realized, until this past summer, that there’s a great need for speech-language pathologists and audiologists abroad. If you have a passion for travel like me, I strongly…

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Recent Master’s and AuD Grads—Submit Your Certification Application by December 31

Whether you’re an audiology or speech-language pathology student, as of January 1, 2020, ASHA will have new certification requirements that could affect your ability to become an ASHA Certified Member! We’ve broken down the changes for both audiology and speech-language pathology students on the post, “New ASHA Certification Standards May Affect You Now as a Student—Are You Ready?” and helped you navigate the process here:…

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So, You Want to Be an Undergrad Research Assistant?

Undergraduate research assistants can assist faculty with all stages of research projects, from generating project ideas and developing appropriate research questions, to preparing a conference presentation, to revising and resubmitting an authored publication. As an assistant professor who teaches clinical courses for undergrad CSD students, I’ve had students serve as assistants in my lab in various roles. These students collected and entered data for research…

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Jumping Into Undergrad Research to Prepare for Success as a Medical SLP

As undergrads, we tend to pack our summers with résumé-strengthening activities for grad school applications—camp counseling, shadowing, and interning all appear to be advantageous. Towards the end of my junior year at Appalachian State University, I wondered, “What other opportunities could I seize this summer?” I reached out to my neuroanatomy and physiology professor (because she captured my interest in neurological disorders) and discovered she…

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