How MSLP Made Me a NSSLHA Change-Maker

As an undergrad, I attended a predominantly white institution—which often made me feel like I stood out in class. Being Filipina-American and one of the only people of color in my classes, I felt it was my duty to advocate and represent my minority peers. This often left me singled out to answer uncomfortable questions about my identity and other minority identities. Fortunately, I found…

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Meet Leeza Abigail “Abby” Oro: Practicing Self-Compassion as a Future SLP

As an SLP master’s degree student, Leeza Abigail “Abby” Oro (she/her) understands what many students experience—feelings of inadequacy. To push through these doubts, she turns each of her experiences into growth opportunities. Quick Facts About Abby Graduate student at Midwestern University, Glendale (Arizona) Currently working at a post-acute rehab facility that serves individuals who have experienced TBI and stroke Dreams of providing speech-language pathology services…

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Finding Community as an LGBTQ+ Student

As a member of National NSSLHA’s IDEA work group, I’ve spent the past year learning about different cultures and student perspectives, as well as the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion within CSD and our future professions. The end of my term in IDEA coincides with Pride Month, and as I reflect on this experience, my thoughts turn to a piece of my own culture:…

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Meet Nkauj-Huab Lo: Finding Her Strength Within CSD

Nkauj-Huab (Go-Hua) Lo is a Hmong American who’s always gone by her middle name “Melydia” because it was easier for others to pronounce. It wasn’t until she started seeking out opportunities and found a professional acquaintance who was persistent in calling her “Nkauj-Huab” that she started finding her place within CSD. This reminded Nkauj-Huab to never let go of her roots and to continue telling…

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